Gift Acceptance Policy
The American Journalism Project has a gift policy informed by the belief that donors supporting independent journalism are uniquely courageous and visionary philanthropists who understand the urgency of the decline in local news, the resulting threat to our democracy, and the need for independent, community-based media. At the same time, journalism efforts supported by philanthropy must undertake certain precautions to maintain editorial independence, both real and perceived. Additionally, the American Journalism Project works to channel philanthropy and leverage local dollars towards local, civic news organizations.
As a policy, the American Journalism Project welcomes donations that comply with the following guidelines:
- Unrestricted donations of cash or publicly-traded stocks or bonds from individual philanthropists, family foundations, institutional funders, and corporate partners are generally accepted, provided the donor is willing to abide by this policy.
- The American Journalism Project declines donations from political parties, elected officials, or candidates actively seeking public office.
- The American Journalism Project will consider restricted donations, if aligned with strategy and priorities.
- The American Journalism Project will disclose donations of $5,000 or more.
- The organization’s executive leadership team may reject donations from sources that do not align with the American Journalism Project’s stated values or whose acceptance would meaningfully damage the reputation of the project.
- If an existing donor engages in disqualifying behavior or the American Journalism Project learns about disqualifying behavior in the past, the executive leadership team may notify the donor (and the board) that further donations are not welcome.
Donors to the American Journalism Project agree to the operational independence of the American Journalism Project and the editorial independence of our grantees.
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